Binary Dilemma: Can We Undo A.I. Fallout?

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Don't change anything; let the original ideas stay, and just arrange it by paragraph: there is no escaping the news about artificial intelligence. AI is everywhere; it's creeping into fast food, uh, restaurants; it's creeping into technology; it's creeping into real estate; but it's still early to know whether or not these advances are going to have other side effects that no one's talking about.

Well, here's one of the first mentions of a possible side effect that we've seen, and this one hasn't really been discussed before, but it makes perfect sense. This is Forbes Magazine, a major business publication that says that the first unintended consequence of AI is huge, so what exactly are they talking about? You have to kind of scroll down to the third paragraph.

If we're not careful, our precious skill of communication in interpersonal skills may deteriorate. If you're not able to talk to an actual human, your skills of talking to actual humans may deteriorate. It says that communicating is one of the few uniquely human skills that sets us apart from the rest of the inhabitants, meaning animals, so we have a way as humans to be able to commute, communicate, and have interpersonal skills. What happens if we lose that? Forbes Magazine says it might be irreparable damage on our way to De Evolution. It's not about AI; it's about the consequences of the consequences of AI for human communication.

I know you have an opinion about this use your power of communication to put in the comments what you think about whether or not AI is going to deteriorate humans and make us less able to relate to each other and if that's going to have other negative effects that are worse than the positive from AI do you prefer to speak to an actual human or do you prefer to speak to AI machines chat Bots robots there's pros and cons AI sometimes doesn't have attitudes it doesn't have emotions it doesn't have a bad day so if you're dealing with customer service maybe AI is better but on the other hand there's limitations on what it can do and you don't have that empathy that Warmness that humanness of talking to an actual ual human what do you think AI is going to be in two or three or five years and how is it going to affect all of our experiences in personal life and also in business.

Binary Dilemma: Can We Undo A.I. Fallout?
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