Beyond the Sales Pitch: Navigating the Truth in Car Buying

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Introduction to Curbstoning:
  • Explanation of curbstone as an illegal car-selling practice.
  • Its resurgence despite its previous decline in the '90s was due to a lack of prosecution and regulation.
Example from Cambria County, Pennsylvania:
  • Description of an individual selling cars illegally from their backyard.
  • Lack of proper licensing, insurance, and adherence to regulations.
Risks for Buyers:
  • Vehicles were not accurately represented or inspected.
  • Difficulty in obtaining valid titles for purchased vehicles.
Consumer Protection Tips:
  • Importance of verifying the legitimacy of the seller.
  • Checking the title and ensuring it matches the seller's identity.
  • Warning against "flip" or "jump" titles.
  • Limitations of a bill of sale in obtaining a title.
Potential Title Issues:
  • There are various obstacles to obtaining a title, such as back taxes or liens.
  • Risk factors are involved in purchasing vehicles without titles.
  • State-specific requirements, like inspections or emissions tests.
Solutions and Assistance:
  • Resources are available on the website for individuals facing title issues.
  • Offer of free consumer advice, consultations, and document preparation services.
  • Acknowledgement of the effort required to obtain a title, with assurance of potential success in most cases.
  • Encouragement for listeners not to despair if facing title issues.
  • Assurance of assistance and support from the website's resources.
  • Invitation to reach out for help with obtaining vehicle titles.
If you have questions or want to delve deeper into today's topics, visit at for additional resources. Until next time, stay insured and stay informed!
Beyond the Sales Pitch: Navigating the Truth in Car Buying
Broadcast by