Beyond Clickbait: Building Authentic Engagement for Your Business
Download MP3So remember if you're doing marketing for your company don't Focus necessarily on just getting clicks or hits or visitors on your website you want to get that you have to have those to do sales but unless you're getting quality traffic it's not going to convert to actually sales or prospects remember a click a hit a visitor web traffic you can't cash those you can't go to your bank and say I have a thousand visitors they're not going to put that in your bank you actually have to have sales so first of all you have to make sure you do get traffic because you can't sell anything that doesn't exist but it has to be quality traffic and you have to have a conversion and closing process a sales funnel on your website so the traffic that does go there follows through to an eventual sale.
It's easy to navigate, you have a good user experience, you have good feedback, and you have easy-to-understand wording so the customers aren't confused. The same thing with foot traffic in a brick-and-mortar store: if you have a lot of traffic but they're not buying anything, either your product mix is wrong or your store is configured improperly. Traffic is just the beginning of the sales journey; make sure you're focusing on the end result so that you can afford to keep doing business development and have more sales funded by the revenue from previous sales.