Ask An Expert: What Is

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Are you tired of getting the runaround when it comes to customer service? With many companies moving to chatbots and automated responses, how do you get the answers to your questions? That's where TelAdvice comes in. TelAdvice connects you one-on-one with a licensed or certified expert in a variety of fields to get the answers you seek. From industries like private investigation and insurance to general contracting and automotive, the experts at TelAdvice have got you covered.

…So what exactly is tele and how does it help you What what's in it for you What do you get out of this? Well what are you probably been facing as a consumer? Is a lack of customer service in the marketplace In fact, it's become a very serious. Problem for people who want to make an informed decision. Many companies are abandoning any kind of customer service. There's an airline that announced recently they're not even going to have a phone number to call anymore. Many government agencies don't have phone. resources where you can call in and ask questions. Even retail companies are going from phone. Resources for Customer service and doing something like a chat bot where you type a message and some robot answers back your questions. What do you do? If you're a consumer who wants to actually talk to an actual human being a live person and get straight answers from. A normal person not a website not a chat bot not a. uninformed maybe clerk. Well you have a couple options one of the things you can do is just read their website. If you're dealing with a company or you have some question about a product or service, You can go online go to a website. And read about that. Subject Well the problem with that is now you have to read Read through all kinds of information to find the answer to your particular question. Which…if there's a hundred different people that have different questions. You have to sort through all the other answers to get to your question. Another option you have is you can watch YouTube videos. There's a YouTube video that answers every question that's ever been asked The problem is. First of all you have to find the video and watch it. The bigger problem is it's a one-way conversation You cannot ask a question to YouTube. You cannot ask a YouTube video. Clarifying information about your particular situation, right? You don't have the attention of the person on YouTube. The third option is you can try to call a company. And see if you get through but more than likely you're going to get either a a voicemail and just leave a message B. Some lower level clerk receptionist. who really maybe doesn't know the Answers to your question. Think about if you call. And electrical company or a plumbing company, the person answering the phone is not going to be that plumber or electrician. expert. Because they're out doing work for customers This is going to be a person who is a. phone answer admin person Not that they do a bad job It's just that's not their main job is to talk to customers They're doing work doing paperwork. They may take a message, but they're not really going to have your answer. And some instances if you call a company. You will be able to talk to somebody at length, but it's going to be a salesperson. They're going to have an agenda to try to sell you something. Not just unbiased giving out free information because that's not what they're there for They're there to sell to make commissions. So the information they give might be biased It might be limited to try to get you to buy something. That's where comes in. We've assembled. A large contingent of experts in various fields that are available to answer. Your questions one-on-one you will have the undivided attention. of a license. or certified or professional expert. In a certain industry in a field. That you got them by the collar You got to buy the coattails where you can ask them any questions you want You can get the information you need. And…it's not at the mercy of somebody trying to sell you something. Or at the mercy of somebody who's just a admin person. You have that licensed expert at your disposal? As a human being. They can answer your questions. It can be done Live. With video can be done by phone call. You'll schedule a time Usually you can schedule it within the hour. Where you can talk to that person. So what industries are we talking about? We have experts in the field of real estate in terms of sales purchases Transactions mortgages. Even things like real estate titles and deeds and liens. We have experts in the field of conflict. legal…arena like private investigators that can talk about lawsuit investigations. Asset searches. even mediators that can help resolve a conflict without having to go to court. We have experts in the building and general contracting industry So…things like permits and building costs and construction costs floor plans…Even things like inspections of properties how to make sure a property might have, a good track record and not have. Defects. We have experts in the automotive industry sales transactions, dealing with automotive dealerships. vehicle titles and registrations how to get through that process with the DMV how to cut through. Bureaucracy. We have experts in the risk management industry. Things like commercial insurance cyber liability defense against cyber attacks. dealing with potential risks on your business or even on your personal lines. The various fields are expanding though You'll find experts in a number of fields. And remember this is on demand meaning that. It's at your schedule at your discretion. You talk to the expert on your terms and it's an actual human being It's not a chat bot It's not, you know some overseas call bank. It's a live person. In the states, who's a licensed or certified expert that's at your disposal. So this is a way to To cut through. The voicemail the messages, the clerks the salespeople or the chatbots or. no customer service at all and get to somebody directly. These professionals. Are making time away from their schedule. Doing their profession. Making themselves available to you exclusively. During that period of time. To discuss your issue answer your questions. And give you the information You need to be an informed consumer when you purchase or get into whatever project you're working on Remember we're not attorneys we're not giving legal advice. We're giving you professional expertise and observations about your situation that It might help you, in addition to your other resources, make decisions or take action based on those industries. Hopefully that helps. Go to the website, let us know what your situation is and how we can be of assistance.

Ask An Expert: What Is
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