Are You Getting The Runaround At The DMV?

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Are you getting the runaround at the DMV? We get it, no one likes the DMV. But here's why you should cut the DMV agents some slack.

This is another video in our category of don't hate the DMV And I know it's easy to cast blame and feel like you get the run around and your state's difficult with the DMV and put some comments below Let us know what your experience is with the department of motor vehicles Of how difficult it is to get any kind of titling done paperwork done solutions done We just talked to a client a little while ago today And they had been down to the department of motor vehicles three or four times And every time they would tell them to go away and get something else you've got to get this affidavit And they went back with the affidavit and somebody else said oh no that's not going to work Now you need to do this And they kept going back and forth And every time they found that it was a different story come to find out none of the things that the department of motor vehicles said Was true None of the things they told them that were solutions to their title problem would have worked
It was all a waste of time It's been a month going back and forth There was a solution It's actually pretty simple solution of a bonded title But the the DMV never even brought that up What gives what's going on Why is this happening Well Be aware that the department of motor vehicles it's a government agency It's not a private company where they strive on customer service or try to improve or do more sales They're just there to Do what the statute or laws in the state I tell them to do
And many times Because it's a government agency There's not a whole lot of training Or structured information that the frontline workers have a lot of people that work at the DMV windows It's a very high turnover job low pay You know a high rate of exchange of employees from one department of another In fact if somebody gets pretty good At being a DMV clerk they get promoted They go to the back office they go somewhere else So The people on the front lines a lot of times are relatively new They may not have the training end because there's so many different scenarios They may not know everything by heart And they're not expected to It's a little bit different than no When you walk into let's say the cell phone store best buy trying to buy something They're all over You trying to help you to make it easy because they want to sell more cell phones or TVs or whatever you're trying to buy At the DMV There's really not the same Enterprise Private company level Urgency to sell more stuff To get things done because it's It's just a job right So Here's some feedback that we get We talked to the DMV 80 90 times a day working on files for clients And we ask them all the time What's it like dealing with the public at the DMV And why your opinion on it will go something like this Look I worked for the DMV I don't make any of the rules I'm sitting here at the window I just have to follow the rules that are made by the politicians that make the laws every two or three years We have to bide by these rules In fact sometimes the rules aren't even clear So don't yell at us We're just trying to help Get your problem solved
Yelling screaming crying complaining Isn't going to change anything The law is the law They have to do certain things In fact one of the reps told us even if we wanted to print you a title for your car And we decided to break the rules the system won't even let us print it With that VIN number If there's not all the Criteria met So
Being upset about it's not going to help
Every state is different obviously has different rules And the good thing is all the states have a website that describes all the rules Describe all their requirements If you get all that either from the DMV website or even our website car we have all the different states laws rules forms documents We've been at videos like this that will explain every scenario If you do that all in advance you won't waste your time Going down to the DMV Trying to do something that they can't do anyway You can fix the problem before you go there Certainly sometimes you have to go there just to get done what you have to get done but You may not want to go down empty handed or without the things that You're going to be Required to provide anyways So It's frustrating We know how hard it is Remember you only have to deal with this DMV paperwork problem once or twice in your lifetime We have to deal with it 80 or 90 times a day Right So we deal with this over and over So we see this firsthand We have you know close to a hundred Orders we do every day We have to process And it's repetition It's like Groundhog day of the DMV problem So we get it We know what it's like
There's no reason to take it out on the DMV person They're just doing their job within the guidelines They have to follow But if you do a little extra legwork ahead of time Go in With all the information documentation maybe even print out the actual statute sometimes We have to provide a copy of the law itself so that the DMV rep can see what it is you're trying to accomplish We understand the difficulty use our website as a free consumer resource Or you can email our help desk We're glad to be of assistance Put your comments below

Are You Getting The Runaround At The DMV?
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