Are Bank Account Asset Searches Possible?

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One of the most common types of research done for investigations and asset searches is a bank account search. We've even seen within the investigative community. That private investigators are looking to find out how to do a bank account search and where to order a bank account search It's not very common knowledge. A bank account record search. Is important because if you have a judgment against the party if you're in probate, if you have some claim against somebody for fraud, you want to know where their assets are especially their bank accounts. a bank account represents the most liquid type of asset. It doesn't need to be sold off Like if you seize a house or repossess a car, Or claim some other intangible asset. You have to process it sell it auction it whatever to get your money. A bank account is cash You can just grab the cash from their bank account with the proper. procedure.

First you have to find the bank account So running a search for bank asset records. Is an important first step and there's a few ways to do that. There's the swift code method There's the account vetting system. There's OSINT system There's a bunch of different methods to do it. And. You want to make sure that you're either picking the best method or running all of them. Because that way it'll give you the highest probability. Of finding, especially hidden assets and hidden bank accounts. If you find that bank account and you have a legal proper judgment or claim against a person you can attach. those bank records. And get your money back. Remember we're not attorneys We're not giving you legal advice. You may have to, you know make sure you have a proper judgment You can't just say Hey this person owes me money and grab their bank account You have to have something legitimate. Usually a judgment. Sometimes another type of claim. But for banking records, having the identity of that bank account that account number the routing number. knowing the balance So you know how much to seize if you try to, you know seize too much and it's not in there, you're going to get rejected So, you know if somebody owes you 50,000 and there's only 20,000 in the account if you. Do a garnishment of 50,000 It'll just get kicked back If you do a garnishment of 18,000, you'll get at least some of your money So make sure that you get a good understanding of the. the process for running a bank account search and then also garnishing the funds to recover your losses or your judgment.

Are Bank Account Asset Searches Possible?
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