A.I. Deemed Unreliable: What This Means for the Future

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Is artificial intelligence competent to give you good advice, or do you still need to speak to an actual human? That's the big question, right? Many people are wondering whether or not it's good to use AI. Many companies are wondering whether it's good to give information using AI. Well, here's an indication of where that might be.

According to Microsoft, one of the largest providers of AI, they are warning everyone not to take AI seriously. According to their press release, it notifies people that AI services should not be taken too seriously. The exact language is, "AI services are not designed, intended, or to be used as a substitute."

For professional advice, what does that mean? That means they're putting in their official legal terms and conditions, their service agreement, that AI isn't suitable for matters of consequence. What is consequence? That means if you're going to make a decision based on it, you should not use AI.

So, at this point, according to one of the largest, if not the largest, provider of artificial intelligence resources, they're saying you should talk to an actual human. Don't take our word for it; this is coming directly from Microsoft.

What are your thoughts on using AI? What is your experience, and has it worked out for you to use AI answers versus an actual human giving you answers or advice?

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So, if you do find this content valuable and want to delve more deeply into a subject, you can't ask YouTube a question, right? But if you want to talk to somebody live, an actual human, use the link below.

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A.I. Deemed Unreliable: What This Means for the Future
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