7 Locations To Search For Hidden Assets

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In this episode, we'll be talking about what the top seven locations are for searching for hidden assets. We'll tackle everything from the obvious spots to look, to some spots you might not have thought of. Looking for more resources for your Asset Search Investigation? Check out ActiveIntel.com.

If somebody owes you money or you have a judgment against the person more than likely they're not leaving assets laying around easy to get They're not leaving a real estate or parcel in their name that you could just grab they may not have a bank account with tons of money in it Sitting around So what are seven places that you You can search For Hidden And assets Sets that might Might Lead Lead You too To where you You can Get restitution The first one is using a loyalty programs For example if somebody has a casino account players account that card is going to show their active of what they're gambling and what their winnings are and how they get their winnings So a lot of times if you use a loyalty card people even fraudsters they're cheap they want to get all the points that they can on their loyalty card They card to get a free dinner free room Free upgrade So they're going to lose it user loyalty card when they're playing They're casino The account So if You can get the records Records From that loyalty card And Show that They won 80 82 A hundred dollars on this day who was the check made out to Where did it go Where did the cash go That's number one Another good place to look for hidden assets is to look at bank accounts for very small entries Find entries that paid for some other items For example maybe they pay $10 to get a watch repaired Maybe they paid you know $80 to have their vessel worked on So don't necessarily look for big amounts of money within bank accounts Look for small transactions that lead to larger accounts Third place to look It is for Assets It's that we're transferred To another Another name So So I look At prior Prior Records of that person took because a person doesn't have a deed in their name for house Look at prior deeds to properties that go back to three or four years many times when somebody is anticipating A judgment against them They're going to find that they're going to hide assets Maybe they had a house that they put in their cousin's name Look for all the transfers out of their name for real estate That went into another person's name and show that it was actually paid for and not just giving away another good place to look is the vehicles Many times if a person has a vehicle that they're driving every single Single day Now You can get the license plate Or The VIN number and Find out Who the owner Owner is If it's Not their name who is the owner That might be a good place to find where they're stashing assets into their name Number fours is their employment Many times A debtor will have their employer Give them income in another form Maybe it's a commission checks that go to a company Maybe it's an LLC that the diverting money to have their employer disclose how all the payments are made And even the vendors maybe it's a sales person that gets commissions or that's a subcontractor How are they Getting Their payments Payments And And are Are those payments That's artificial Officially Really reduced During the time of the debt to in order to have them appear later it's a very very good way To find money A third way to look is direct observation If you watch the person for some period of time maybe not You know 24 7 but look at their daily habits What restaurants are they going to And what ATM's are they going to You can get records from those places Many times people leave the receipt in the ATM when they throw it in the trash that'll show an account number Many times they're paying for you know meals or other things at a restaurant Restaurant With a debit card That's tied Tied to another The account And And you can many Many times I get that receipt that they leave it on the table If they throw it away You can go back afterwards and ask Hey my boss left this receipt there Can I get it back Those types of daily activities can demonstrate other types of purchases that are being exchanged for assets And the last one is something that people overlook quite a bit Is looking at third party vendors who are doing business with that person As a client who are they buying let's say clothing from maybe they're buying inventory for For the business A lot The time is money Has To come Back into To their Our life Life To be used as an asset through a business enterprise or through other other types of purchases And if you can find where they're getting inventory from a vendor maybe they're buying personal items or traveled from a vendor If you can subpoena those records and find out how it's being paid for you can maybe find the source of other money and locate the flow of funds into that account to see if it was improperly transferred at some prior date So there's many ways to look for assets looking for that big pot of gold at one place Place in Many Times Isn't Gonna find a large Amount But by backtalk Backtracking Tracking To find And Where their source of everyday living is coming from You can find the larger piles of money that may be Appear to be out of reach but at some point you can get them using proper legal procedures

7 Locations To Search For Hidden Assets
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