6 Tips For Buying A Car On eBay

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If you're looking for your next car on eBay, or any other online platform, make sure that you're getting a good title. In this episode, we have six tips plus a few bonus considerations to make sure you are getting a good and legal title for your used car purchase online.

this is Dave at car title so when you're buying a car on eBay what are the top five things you need to watch out for for the title itself. the first thing to look at is is there any kind of certificate of destruction or non repairable title in the vehicle history. many of these cars that are on eBay have come from either co part or I AA I. insurance auctions and they've been issued a certificate of destruction which basically cancels that vin number. so if you're not getting a title with the vehicle you want to make sure that the no certificate of destruction that's been issued. the other thing you want to check for is this is number two on the list is it a jump title or skip title. meaning that was the title signed over from the original owner on the front of the title to somebody on the back because if that's the case you can't get a title until that new owner on the back of the title is issued new certificate prior to being transferred to you. that's a skipped title or jump title or an open title if it's an open title that means a person just signed in wrote nothing in on the back. that could be a problem later. the other thing you want to look at this is number three on the list of title issues to evaluate on an eBay purchase is there any liens or back taxes or even past two registrations on the title. that could keep you from getting a new title in your name for that vehicle. number four the list is checking to make sure that the vin number on the vehicle matches the title matches your bill of sale and then also match multiple locations on the vehicle. every vehicle has that vin number on four or five different locations depending on the year. it's going to be on the cowell right on inside the dashboard it'll be on the door jamb will also be underneath on some of the major component parts. make sure that vin number matches everything because if it's a one digit off or there's a typo your title will not be able to be issued. number five on the list of title issues when you purchase a car in eBay is to get a copy of the seller's ID make sure you get a bill of sale take a picture of that seller make sure you're identifying their identity. and also if there's any license plates or registrations with the vehicle make sure they all match up make sure the person who signing over the title to you is the same name on the front of the title because only the owner on the front of the title can transfer and assign sign that title to you nobody else can. here's a bonus not this number six make sure that there's no duplicate titles been issued. sometimes a seller vehicle get a duplicate title for the vehicle and sign over to you the original title if that's the case that original titles become void when that duplicates issued. so you want to make sure that you're getting the actual valid active title. here's a couple other considerations to keep in mind check the N. M. V. T. I. S. for title history that's a national motor vehicle title information service. it's a title information system it's a website provided by the U. S. government to check vehicle verification of the vin number to make sure it's not stolen make sure there's no salvage title issues. make sure that you get a title in hand from that seller they don't promise to give it to you later they don't say have lost it I got to apply for duplicate because in many cases the reason they're telling you that because there's some problem with the title. get the social media information on the seller. don't just get a phone number the phone number can be disconnected later. if you need to reach them to get more paperwork you want to find out where they live what their social media is. the other thing is get insurance on the vehicle in advance because once you buy that vehicle all the liability for loss is on you so you want to make sure you have insurance on it before you purchased the vehicle. and also consider how are you going to transport the car away from where you buy it. there's not gonna be any valid plates in your name on the vehicle and if there's a license plate on the vehicle that's fine but you don't know if it's valid reported stolen if it's expired suspended. because of your driving that vehicle away from the purchase location and that license plate has a hit on it you might get pulled over in your vehicle can be impounded it you might have find you might have other things to consider how you gonna get that car away from where the purchase location is. of course these are all in addition to the regular inspection the vehicle for condition mechanical all the other things you look at on the car. these are title issues to look at when you're purchasing a car on eBay.

6 Tips For Buying A Car On eBay
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