5 Ways To Remove A Lien From A Car Title

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Having a lien on your car title, whether it's paid off or not, will impact what you are able to do with your vehicle. How do you remove a lien from a car title? In this episode, we'll give you five ways plus a bonus method to remove a lien from a car title.

here are five ways to get a lien removed from your vehicle title. if you have a vehicle that has a lien on the title record you found out that you can't sell it transfer it you're having problems because that lien is bogging down your title. here's a couple ways you can get that lean removed. some of them are easy some of them are harder but they all work to one level or another. first is request a lien release from the lien holder really simple. if you're lien is paid off or even if it's not if you request a lien release document from the lien holder many times you'll get it. even if that lean is technically unpaid I'm guessing that you haven't been making payments on it recently or the owner hasn't been making payments on it. if a vehicle has gone into default status or delinquency status sometimes called the charge offer right off if you request a lien release from the lien holder properly they'll give you the document and you'll end up with a clean title with no lien on it. how do you do that well you don't do it by phone you know what to do it by email text Facebook you want to do it in writing. you can check out our website will give you full instructions on how to do that you can do it all yourself. make sure that you follow the steps a hundred percent. if you follow the steps seventy eighty percent of the time you get your lien release. if you skip even one small detail like putting a stamp on the return envelope that would drops down to ten percent. so make sure you follow the steps for getting a lien release from the lien holder. option number two is what's called a letter of non interest if you have a lien holder who can not find the records for your vehicle many times I'll tell you I can't release the lien but if you know what to ask for as a backup you can still get that lien removed the title and that back up it's called a letter of non interest. have the lien holder give you a letter saying they have no interest in the vehicle better yet you type up the letter you write a letter you can use our website we have the template for that letter on car titles dot com you can copy for free mail it to the lien holder it's just asking to sign it. because if you ask them the type letters and figure things out sometimes they don't know what to do but if you do the work for them asking for a letter of non interest once they send it back to you you're golden you have that letter in your hand you bring to the DMV you slap it on the counter and you tell the take that lien off your title. that's option number two option number three is look to see if that lean has already been declared to be illegal. what you may find in many states you may not have heard of this but many lenders have been admonished by the state by the government for issuing illegal title loans. and you can look up the list in that state to see if you qualify for example here's one perfect scenario in Pennsylvania hundreds of residents have been cleared of their loans because the department of banking said that sovereign lending solutions car title loan LLC an auto loan LLC are not legally collectible in Pennsylvania and repossessions are prohibited. so do a search your lender may have already violated your loan and it's cleared you just have to get it removed from the record. how do you do that well you'll get a copy of that order from the department of banking showing that your lender was prohibited from enforcing liens. you bring it to the DMV or in the case of Pennsylvania it goes to PennDOT and they clear it off the title. that's number three what's number four number four is you might find that your lender is actually out of business. if your lenders out of business that's a good thing because they're not going to be looking to collect on your loan even if you owe money that lender is not gonna be out there trying to collect the money or to enforce a lien. now how do you get that removed well if you can show that that lenders out of business get a copy of the official corporate record of that lender being administratively dissolved or closed/ we can't do it by address our picture of the building got to show the actual legal document that's file with the secretary of state. we have instructions of that on our website as well car titles dot com. if you can show that lender is no longer operating you make the case to the DMV that that lien is extinguished. get a copy of the actual form submit with the title application and lien release. here's number five will give you one bonus after number five as well number five is a court order title. a court order title is where you go to the courthouse in the county where you are a resident and you file a court case against the vehicle. it sounds a little complicated but it's really not that hard you file a court case asking the judge to declare you to be the owner of the vehicle by court order. now you got to show some paperwork you got to show you're the owner you have to give a good explanation of why you want that lien removed. whatever story you would think to tell why it that loan is no longer valid tell that to the court. in most cases the court's going to grant you your request unless that lien holder is wanting to go to court and fight you which they don't. then you'll get a lien release from the judge bring it to the DMV slap it on the counter get your lien removed. what's another way that's a bonus method by statute your lean might already be removed. most states have a law on the books that says after a certain number of years from that lean being filed a lien is automatically declared invalid sometimes five sometimes seven sometimes ten years. look up the statute in your state you can find them on our website the car titles dot com and print out a copy highlight the section that shows a lien after seven years is no longer valid bring a copy of your title showing the date that lien was filed bring it to the DMV remove the lien. so if you have a car that your problem is you have a lien on it here's some ways to get it off put some comments below let us know what you think what your specific scenario is and we'll see you in the next video.

5 Ways To Remove A Lien From A Car Title
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